Upgrade your Travel without Breaking the Bank

Upgrade your Travel without Breaking the Bank

Let’s debunk the myth that you have to have lots of money in order to travel in comfort and style. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You don’t have to break the bank in order to experience small luxuries that enhance your travel experience. Here are a few...
Make the Beach an Adventure

Make the Beach an Adventure

Going to the beach on a nice day is always a fun filled time, but some sandy destinations have more to offer than just swimming and sunbathing, if you know what to look for. Play Ball If diving in the sand to win the match sounds like your idea of a good time, beach...
Making Your Trip the Vacation

Making Your Trip the Vacation

Oftentimes when I start to plan a getaway, I decide to road trip it, even if it’s going to mean logging a lot of miles. Sure, a plane is quicker, but you can’t visit the states you’re flying over and there’s no better way to see all of the USA, than to drive it....
Enjoy the Outdoors on the Water

Enjoy the Outdoors on the Water

Water activities can be found anywhere you go, even in your own backyard. There is bound to be something that you will love doing. The world is too amazing to spend it inside. Find what you love and get outside and experience it. Check out some great water fun and the...
Benefits of Traveling

Benefits of Traveling

What relieves stress, decreases the risk of heart disease, and promotes physical activity while boosting your overall happiness? Traveling. Traveling is a wonderful adventure that impacts your health in all the right ways. Don’t believe us? Check out this article by...
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