Travel written in sand

Do you have dreams of traveling the world? Is your bank account holding you back from pursuing foreign travel? If so, you should know that there are many organizations that will pay you to travel to a foreign country in exchange for work. Take a look at the following companies with work exchange programs.  


Have you ever thought of traveling to a foreign country and working on a local farm? This may sound a little strange but it’s a surprisingly popular enterprise. Through the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, this type of working vacation is possible. An article written by Laura Begley Bloom for explains, “The company has recently been rediscovered by a new generation of travelers that craves getting dirt under their fingernails. Here’s how it works: Farm owners post help-wanted ads on the site, and you can apply to do anything from sowing seeds to making cheese to gathering herbs. In return, the farm pays for your accommodations and food (you usually need to cover the flight). Volunteers typically work a few hours a day, then get time off to explore. There are opportunities everywhere from Costa Rica to Cambodia.”

Trusted Housesitters

Woman with Suitcase

Would you consider exchanging your housesitting services for a free place to stay? What about using a fraction of your vacation to dog sit? Believe it or not, there are multiple companies out there who match travelers up with homeowners in need. Trusted Housesitters is one such company that has clients from around the world. It’s a reputable way to find beautiful, free accommodations.


If you’re looking for something a little more long-term, TEFL is a great solution. This company hires English speakers to travel/live in different countries to teach the English language. Job postings include teacher, language summer camp counselor, nanny/governess, and more. There are also plenty of job postings that don’t require previous experience. Most of the time, you don’t need to know any other languages either. Additionally, some postings allow the opportunity to earn a TEFL certification. This would boost your resume and make it easier to find work around the world. Salaried positions range anywhere from 9 month to 2 year commitments. It would be a great opportunity to learn about and immerse yourself in another culture.


Woman with map

Do you speak English? If so, companies like Diverbo will help you travel to different countries like Germany or Spain to help teach the language. You might be thinking, ‘I’d probably need to speak one of those languages to qualify for this’. Diverbo actually prefers that you don’t. While this job requires a lot of hours, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy yourself. With group dinners, theatre performances and parties, you will have a blast.

If you’re willing to get your hands dirty, there are plenty of travel opportunities. Don’t let a lack of funds stop you from living your dreams. Roll up your sleeves and go experience the world!

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