Do you want to travel to an awesome beach but don’t have a passport? If you’re looking to vacation somewhere besides California or Hawaii, here are some incredible places you can visit where no passport is required.


Travel is still restricted in many places around the globe due to Covid-19. Make sure you’re well versed in the requirements and regulations of each location in which you’re planning to travel.  

Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico is a highly underrated travel destination. Located a little over 1,100 miles from Florida, it will take you less than a three hour flight to get there. This tropical local boasts excellent weather and beautiful beaches. It offers old world charm in San Juan and is also home to a Bacardi distillery. There are plenty of activities like hiking and zip lining for outdoor enthusiasts. It also offers amazing bars and restaurants for those who want a more laid back vacation. With beautiful hotels and incredible scenery, Puerto Rico should unquestionably be on your list of places to travel. 

U.S. Virgin Islands

One step beyond Puerto Rico lies the U.S. Virgin Islands. An article written by Gina Tagliarino for states, “Just a short flight away from Puerto Rico—we’re talking around 30 minutes, people—lies another tropical paradise known as the U.S. Virgin Islands of St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John. The USVI reopened for tourism back in September 2020.” Each island is said to have its own personality. The article goes on to say, “St. John is known for its breathtaking diving and snorkeling spots and St. Thomas for world-class shopping. Foodies won’t be able to resist St. Croix, offering Caribbean island-style cuisine your palate will never forget.” No matter which island you choose, they each have one thing in common. The beaches are incredible and you’ll want to hit them up immediately upon arrival.

American Samoa


A trip to American Samoa is one you’ll want to plan well. It will take you 12+ hours to fly there, so make sure to set aside a nice block of time to travel to this beautiful location. This U.S. territory is located in the South Pacific and includes seven islands. While there, you’ll be able to indulge in beautiful scenery and participate in the many activities the islands have to offer. Snorkeling, swimming, fishing, hiking and surfing are just a few things you can enjoy during your stay.


Located in the West Pacific, Guam is another must see destination. Gorgeous beaches, warm weather, scenic views, shopping and incredible food are just a few of the luxuries that await you. Visit tourist hubs like Tumon or stick to quieter parts of the island. No matter what you decide to do here, you’re sure to have an amazing time!

Don’t let a lack of passport stop you from traveling to beautiful, exotic destinations. The United States and its’ territories are the perfect places to plan upcoming trips.

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