If you love to travel, but your work schedule leaves you with limited time off, a day trip may be just what the doctor ordered.  No matter where you live, there’s a good chance there’s something interesting just a short drive away. If you have the time, you can always turn your day trip into an over-night getaway and splurge on a hotel stay.

Fancy Dining

If you don’t live within day trip distance of a Michelin starred restaurant, don’t fret, there’s still plenty of opportunity to enjoy a fine dining experience. Here is a list of the best fancy dining establishments in each state compiled by Bucket List Restaurants. Searching for something a little more dressed down, but just as tasty? Check out this list of The One Restaurant You Need to Visit in Every State by Syjil Ashraf.


Impress your partner by taking him to your state’s coolest museum. Whether you’re interested in art, natural history, or something normies consider weird, there’s a good chance there’s a museum near you that’s devoted to something you’re into. These trips can be both fun and educational. They can also leave time to enjoy a nice dinner or a stroll around the city you’re in.


State and National Parks

There are over 400 units, (commonly referred to as parks) covering 85 million acres of land, managed by our National Park Service. The United State’s national parks have everything from learning history, to beachgoing, to hiking. With those kinds of stats, there’s a good chance there’s something fun to do at a park near you. You can also check out parks that are managed by your state, (and neighboring states) too. Travis Smola at WideOpenSpaces has compiled a list of his favorite 25 U.S. State parks, explaining “State parks don’t get quite as much love as the National Parks, but there are still some absolute gems out there if you do a little research.” You can usually find great state parks near you by doing a quick internet search or checking your state’s .gov state park website. You may be surprised to find out you have a dozen to choose from within an hour’s drive.


If you’re looking to veg out away from home and simply do nothing, consider renting a room at a full-service, 4-star, luxury hotel. Indulge in a rich meal, have drinks, get a massage, and relax in a hot tub, all without ever leaving the property, and in many cases, your room.  Travel Noire lists the best hotels to pamper yourself in each state. 

Even if work leaves you with limited time for vacations, you can still take some time for yourself with a day trip. Pack a light bag and get moving.

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