Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel alone? Surprisingly enough, many people have. Whether you’re wanting to wander around your local city or skip off to a faraway country, there’s always something special about adventuring on your own. Solo style traveling means you are free to make the absolute most out of your trip, you get to embrace or reject any activities that might come about. This will force you to grow in ways you may not expect!


We’re all just a small little speck on the huge map of the world and sometimes we need a big reminder like a solo trip to help put ourselves back in check. Hitting a big reset button can be one of the most important and necessary things we can do for ourselves.

Comfort Zone

Even if you’ve taken a solo trip before each time you do you are pushed a little more out of your comfort zone and each time is a new experience that adds another block to your building foundation. Some will even find that their comfort zone isn’t what it truly is. Maybe your zone is actually a more independent one?

Woman with map

Courage, Bravery, & Strength

Some people think others make them brave and that may be true but what if you’re actually braver on your own? Why settle? Why not try traveling without others doubts, fear, and agendas?

Complete Freedom

Solo traveling means you have complete control on what you do, who you talk to, and most importantly what you eat. If you want to keep staring at a tree, you can. If you want to order the same dish again to relish in every flavor, you can.

You, Yourself, and Only You

Sometimes you need to take a trip to get in sync with yourself, like really get in sync. Being solo forces and guides you through your own skin and your own mind. Navigating yourself through the unknown will put you in a place where you have to come to terms with the not so great parts, but it’ll also put positive perspective on yourself. We all have issues and sometimes we don’t even know something is a problem until we are forced to face it, solo traveling will bring all of that out into the open.


Are you worried about the future and unknown? Solo traveling is a sure-fire way to help you learn how to cope with change and become more flexible. Change happens with flight delays, wrong arrival times, and even cancelations but traveling alone gives you the opportunity to form a new set of skills that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Maybe it turns out that solo traveling isn’t your cup of tea and that’s ok but you will never know until you try. Your first solo trip could be the start to something amazing and become one of the most enjoyable experiences.

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