Everyone wants to go on a vacation, but don’t always have the funds.  That doesn’t mean you have to stay home. It means that you may need to be more creative. Think outside the traditional vacation. Just as much enjoyment and great memories will be made. And your bank account will thank you.



For the lovers of the outdoors, camping is an easy solution. Campsites cost a lot less than a hotel. You are closer to the nature that you are there to explore. Camping also means cooking around the fire. Bringing food to cook will save money. Taking a family to a restaurant one time will cost just as much as a weekend of food from the grocery store. Plus, everyone loves a vacation that ends in s’mores every night.


Depending on where you want to go, the peak season and off-season will vary. Do a little research to find out. Taking a summer vacation is very popular, and the cost will reflect that. Waiting a little longer and planning around the peak season will keep more money in your pocket. Along with costing less, the crowds will be easier to manage. Being away from all the masses is enough motivation to go on the offseason.

Day Trips

Trips don’t have to last a week. The longer you are gone, the more expensive it will get. No matter where you live, there is something to explore. Find places to travel too that are only a few hours away. Spend the day on a new adventure and still make it home in time for dinner. With day trips, you don’t have to wait till summer. Take one anytime you have a free day.

Visit Friends and Family

Going to see family, as long as you get along, could be a great vacation. Staying with others will save you the cost of a hotel, freeing up your budget. Planning meals together and helping to cook saves you even more money. Your highest expenses will be traveling to your destination. Now you can enjoy going out and doing fun activities, not having to worry about going over your budget.  

Plan Ahead

Taking a last-minute vacation will end up costing you more. When you book in advance, you will get a better price than if you wait till the week before. With the extra time between booking and leaving, you can save and pay it off. Knowing your vacation is already paid for will relieve a lot of stress. Leaving more time to have fun and enjoy a well-deserved vacation.

Man with innertube


Who says you have to leave to have a great time? Turn your house into the best vacation spot. There is one rule. Don’t do any chores or work, only relaxing. Everything else can wait. Grab a pool and dollar store water guns. Turn your backyard into a fun water park. Get take out or prepare food ahead of time. Get movies and anything else your family loves. Spending time together is the most important thing about a vacation.

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